FREE Resources
The Aviator’s Academy exists to help aircraft owners and pilots increase instrument proficiency in their glass panels. Our ever-growing list of free resources serve to feed the learner in you as you continue to grow in your skills and knowledge as a glass panel pilot.
Joe sits down to discuss training the trainer with Hank Gibson, a Cirrus and fellow PA46 instructor. Hank also shares plans for his upcoming company which will be fully unveiled at Oshkosh.
Just Plane Radio 10-1-22
This week the JPR crew hunker down for hurricane Ian. Plus another cool way for you to make the world a better place with your aircraft.
The Glass Panel Minute is a bi-monthly series where we share quick and helpful tips to improve your instrument proficiency in your glass panel aircraft.
- Terror and The Missed ApproachOkay, so maybe that’s a little harsh. Missed approaches don’t inspire terror. Stress? Absolutely. But, they don’t have to. Have you heard the phrase “Expect the… Read more: Terror and The Missed Approach
- The Importance of Glass Panel Avionics TrainingIn the world of modern aviation, the transition from steam gauge cockpits to glass panel avionics has revolutionized the way pilots navigate the skies. With its… Read more: The Importance of Glass Panel Avionics Training
- The GTN 750Xi VNAV ConundrumYou have just pulled the trigger and upgraded your legacy Garmin GTN 750 and Garmin G500 to a brand spanking new Garmin GTN750Xi, Garmin G500TXi, and… Read more: The GTN 750Xi VNAV Conundrum
- When the Throttle Moves By ItselfThe M600 SLS debuted in 2020 and was the first of it’s kind. A single engine turbine with AutoThrottle and the Halo autoland system. It was… Read more: When the Throttle Moves By Itself
- Icebergs in the SkyI recently gave a presentation at the Piper M-Class Owner’s and Pilot’s Association (PMOPA) East Coast Regional Seminar at the beautiful Greenbrier Resort in White Sulpher… Read more: Icebergs in the Sky
- Using the Flight Director as a ResourceA lot of general aviation pilots don’t know what a flight director is, let alone how to use it. Most of us received our instrument training… Read more: Using the Flight Director as a Resource