Glass Panel Minute

  • Terror and The Missed Approach

    Okay, so maybe that’s a little harsh. Missed approaches don’t inspire terror. Stress? Absolutely. But, they don’t have to. Have you heard the phrase “Expect the Unexpected”? That certainly applies to any type of flying, but especially to instrument approaches when the ceilings are low. How low? I have a personal rule of thumb that…

  • The Importance of Glass Panel Avionics Training

    In the world of modern aviation, the transition from steam gauge cockpits to glass panel avionics has revolutionized the way pilots navigate the skies. With its sleek displays and intuitive interface, glass panel avionics offer unparalleled situational awareness and precision. However, mastering these sophisticated systems requires comprehensive training and understanding. No need to fear those…

  • The GTN 750Xi VNAV Conundrum

    You have just pulled the trigger and upgraded your legacy Garmin GTN 750 and Garmin G500 to a brand spanking new Garmin GTN750Xi, Garmin G500TXi, and the Garmin GFC 600 Autopilot. You are amazed at the processing speeds, the bigger font, the better pixelation. All Garmin promised has come true in your airplane. The chapters…

  • When the Throttle Moves By Itself

    The M600 SLS debuted in 2020 and was the first of it’s kind. A single engine turbine with AutoThrottle and the Halo autoland system. It was a new level of safety, engineering and just plain coolness (yes, coolness is a word). However, flying the AutoThrottle in the M600 SLS is not a simple hop in…

  • Icebergs in the Sky

    I recently gave a presentation at the Piper M-Class Owner’s and Pilot’s Association (PMOPA) East Coast Regional Seminar at the beautiful Greenbrier Resort in White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia on Icing. It’s that time of year in the US where Icing becomes a much more relevant topic for pilots, especially pretty much anywhere outside Texas…